

作者:(美)格里斯 著     整理日期:2022-01-26 02:19:32

  the launch of this advanced lectures in mathematics series is aimed at keeping mathematicians informed of the latest developments in mathematics, as well as to aid in the learning of new mathematical topics by students all over the world.
each volume consists of either an expository monograph or a collection of signifi- cant introductions to important topics. this series emphasizes the history and sources of motivation for the topics under discussion, and also gives an overview of the current status of research in each particular field. these volumes are the first source to which people will turn in order to learn new subjects and to dis- cover the latest results of many cutting-edge fields in mathematics.

上一本:高等数学教与学 下一本:生物统计与试验设计


群与格引论的作者是(美)格里斯 著,全书语言优美,行文流畅,内容丰富生动引人入胜。为表示对作者的支持,建议在阅读电子书的同时,购买纸质书。
