
Studying and Winning

作者:Bo-ErikAbrahamsson     整理日期:2017-04-18 13:29:36

  The writer has studied at International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, at King’s College London and at Hong Kong University. In this book, He will explain in detail the principles and practices he used to receive straight A’s.
  “If you wish to maximize your academic results; please read this book. You are just about to take the first step on a road to straight A’s university. Luckily for you, they are far less painful than my first steps in Hong Kong were. ”——Bo-erik Abrahamsson
  “如果你想得到最优的学术成绩,请阅读本书。你即将踏上学术成绩全A 的第一步。幸运的是在这条路上你所受的痛苦会比我当年在香港获取全A 的痛苦少很多。”——Bo-erik Abrahamsson
  Bo-erik Abrahamsson born on a farm in southern Sweden, left the country and has now worked in the UK, Switzerland, Malaysia and China.Founded two companies, published two books and one academic article.Graduated from King's College London as the most distinguished student in 2012, then worked for Rocket Internet GMBH in South East Asia and HSBC .Now he is the Financial Analysis Manager for Prestige at Procter & Gamble's European headquarter in Geneva.
  Bo-erik Abrahamsson出生于瑞典南方的一个农场里,从小便离开自己的国家、他分别在英国、瑞士、马来西亚和中国学习与工作过。至今已成立两家公司,出版两本书并发表了一篇学术文章。他2012年毕业于伦敦国王学院,并获得当年“最优秀学生”的殊荣。此后曾就职于东南亚Rocket Internet GMBH公司和汇丰银行。现就职于宝洁欧洲日内瓦总部的金融分析部门任管理人员。

上一本:要改变命运,先完善性格 下一本:轻熟女幸福一生的72条军规


Studying and Winning的作者是Bo-ErikAbrahamsson,全书语言优美,行文流畅,内容丰富生动引人入胜。为表示对作者的支持,建议在阅读电子书的同时,购买纸质书。
