

作者:李文华     整理日期:2018-11-12 11:17:25

  Ecological research and protection are moving at lightening speeds inChina and playing a central role in the national agenda. Given the paceof change and national prominence of ecological thinking and research, asummary of the principles and applications of ecological research in China is urgently required and will be of great value.  This book focuses on the five most exciting and dominant themes in ecological research in China: biodiversity, ecosystem management, degraded ecosystem restoration, global change and sustainable development. It spans all major ecosystems found on earth, such as forests, oceans, grasslands, wetlands, lakes, rivers, farmland and cities.The book provides fundamental information that will help shape futureecological research and conservation. And given China’s increasingly high profile role in global issues, this book will allow researchers, students and policy-makers outside China to learn about the significant achievements and applications of ecological research within China.
  The Chinese government is increasingly focusing on ecological construction and has subscribed to a national "Ecological Civilization Construction". Ecological research and protection practice develop fast and achieve a lot at the national agenda.
  This book is a synthesis offive most exating and dominant themes in contemporary ecological research in China: biodiversity, ecosystem management, degraded ecosystem restoration, global change and sustainable development.
  This book spans all the Earth's major ecosystems, such as forests,oceans, grasslands, wetlands, lakes, rivers, farmland and cities.This book provides a platform for scientific research across a variety of disciplines. It will be invaluable to experts, policymakers and local officers and will also be a highly useful resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  This book will allow researchers, students and policymakers outside China to learn about the significant achievements and applications of ecological research within China.



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