作者简介: Philipp Bagus is an associate professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He is an associate scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and was awarded the 2011 O.P. Alford III Prize in Libertarian Scholarship. He is the author of The Tragedy of the Euro and coauthor of Deep Freeze: Iceland's Economic Collapse. The Tragedy of the Euro has so far been translated and published in German, French, Slovak, Polish, Italian, Romanian, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, British English, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, and Chinese. 网站:http://www.philippbagus.com/ 推特:https://twitter.com/philippbagus 菲利普·巴格斯是西班牙胡安卡洛斯大学经济系副教授。
目录: 总序 前言 1.引子4 2.欧洲未来的两种愿景5 3.法定货币的动力学12 4.通向欧元之路20 5.爱通胀,也爱欧元28 6.德国放弃马克的隐情39 7.欧洲央行的货币垄断47 8.美联储与欧洲央行在货币生产上的异同51 9.自我毁灭的欧元系统57 10.制造冲突的欧元系统69 11.欧元崩溃之旅72 12.欧元的未来90 13.结论95