《无须资本家打造资本主义》提供了一种向资本主义转型的新理论。通过讲述资本主义如何在资本家缺席的后共产主义中欧被打造的故事,它引导我们更为深刻地理解了现代资本主义起源的问题。《无须资本家打造资本主义》通过深入研究,深刻描绘了由中欧前共产党技术专家以及异议知识分子在社会主义体制废墟上构件的资本主义的显著特征。 这是由三位美国社会学家作出的开创性研究,它主要研究了匈牙利、波兰和捷克共和国从国家社会主义向资本主义转型的问题。
作者简介: Eleanor R. Townsley Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies Specialization: The sociology of intellectuals; cultural sociology; sociology of gender; history of sociology; research methods Eleanor Townsley is a sociologist who teaches courses in the cultural sociology, social theory, sociology of gender, survey research and data analysis, and an archival and field methods class based in the Mount Holyoke College Archives. She says especially enjoys teaching the introductory course in sociology.