礼是中华文明的符号,是区别于其他国家和民族的标志。经过数千年的涵化发展,礼成为中国“百姓日用而不知”的生活方式。由礼,可以理解中国人的价值取向和伦理秩序;由礼,可以认识中国人的家国天下情怀乃至外交决策。《礼在中国》依据儒家经典思想“修身齐家治国平天下”,分为5章,**章是总论,第二至五章分别介绍中国人的自我修养、家庭生活、国家情怀和礼待天下的外交理念及实践,旨在用礼让世界读懂中国,让世界透过礼看到不一样的中国风采。Propriety, an important concept in fine traditional Chinese culture, has had an immeasurable impact on the history of Chinese civilization and profoundly changed the daily lives and social patterns of the people. The content of propriety is all-encompassing: from the relationship between Heaven and man and the state ritual system to the speech and deportment and even dress code of society. This book introduces the formation process of ritual culture, in which “reverence” and “sincerity” serve as the spiritual core. It also explores the historical context and moral tradition of Chinese rites from the perspectives of self-cultivation, family ethics, and nation-building, revealing the historical and cultural roots that form the basis of the Chinese way of thinking and behaving. Moreover, this book explains the values and contributions of Chinese diplomacy with “harmony” as an essential element of China’s ritual culture.