

作者:王国振改编     整理日期:2018-11-13 09:04:14

  “中国经典名著故事”丛书,以通俗、生动的译文,讲述中国古典名著故事。《喻世明言》是明末冯梦龙纂辑的白话短篇小说集,与《警世通言》《醒世恒言》一起,合称"三言",是*重要的中国古代白话短篇小说集之一。San Yan refers to the three short story collections of the Ming Dynasty written by Feng Menglong: Instruction Stories to Enlighten the World, Stories Enlightening the World, and Stories to Awaken the World. The three books consist altogether of 120 pieces with each composed of 40. Rich in content, San Yan deals with almost every aspect of the social life of the time and reflects the characteristics of the era which witnessed the decline of the feudal lord class and the gradual rise of the townsfolk stratum. San Yan represents the summit of ancient short story writing in vernacular Chinese.
  《喻世明言故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《喻世明言》全本基础上进行选编翻译,向国外读者介绍喻世明言故事。This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Instruction Stories to Enlighten the World to the foreign readers.

上一本:郑州商城遗址保护 下一本:超图解人类简史


