

作者:(明)凌蒙初     整理日期:2018-11-13 09:03:43

  “中国经典名著故事”丛书,以通俗、生动的译文,讲述中国古典名著故事。《二刻拍案惊奇》是明末凌濛初编著的拟话本小说集,它同作者之前刊行的《初刻拍案惊奇》一起合称"二拍",是中国古代重要的短篇小说集之一。Er Pai refers to two collections of short stories,each containing 40 pieces. Its writer was Ling Mengchu. The stories of the book came from various sources and were refined and polished by the writer. In subject matter, the book sets its attack against the social evils and malpractices in the background of the social customs. Therefore,it relays a sharp and strong sense of social criticism. Many of the pieces of the book display brilliant characteristics of the time. Some of the stories about love and marriage advocate the concept of equality between men and women ; some depicting,from a positive point of view, the commercial activities of the townspeople of the Ming Dynasty reflect the merchants' desire for profit making and building up wealth. The language of the stories is simple and natural,its narration lively and moving.
  《二刻拍案惊奇故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《二刻拍案惊奇》全本基础上进行选编、翻译,向国外读者介绍初刻拍案惊奇故事。This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Amazing Tales Second Series to the foreign readers.

上一本:中国名城.云南剑川 下一本:吕氏春秋故事


