

作者:王国振改编     整理日期:2018-11-13 09:03:40

  “中国经典名著故事”丛书,以通俗、生动的译文,讲述中国古典名著故事。《吕氏春秋》是在秦国丞相吕不韦主持下,集合门客编撰的一部著作。此书以儒家学说为主干,以道家理论为基础,以名、法、墨、农、兵、阴阳家思想学说为素材,熔诸子百家学说为一炉。它所蕴含的哲学思想、政治思想,以及它所保留的科学文化方面的历史资料,都是宝贵的文化遗产。Selections from Lu's Commentaries of History is an ancient classic compiled in 239 B.C. by Lu Buwei, the Prime Minister of the state of Qin, who collected and arranged the writings of his "house guests" or followers into a book. The writings represented his ideas and aimed to serve as a guide to government for the Qin ruler. Dealing with a wide range of subjects in more than 20(3,000 words, the book is one of the longest of the early Chinese classics and an encyclopedic compendium of early Chinese thought and civilization.
  《吕氏春秋故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《吕氏春秋》白话读本基础上进行编译,选取其中一些生动、富有哲理意义的故事,以此让国外读者更多地了解这部中国传统文化经典。This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Selections from Lu's Commentaries of History to the foreign readers.

上一本:二刻拍案惊奇故事 下一本:儒林外史故事


