《恋爱汉语随学随用》以男女情感交流为主题,涉及与此有关的多方面生活内容,希望将感情生活中常用的汉语句型和词语介绍给读者,相信对坠入爱河的读者一定会有帮助。虽然编者希望能给出全面而生动有趣的情感生活语言,但限于能力,特别是由于我们人类的情感生活实在是太丰富和太有创造性了。 Easy Romantic Chinese focuses on affective interaction between men and women and covers many topics related to love. The purpose is to introduce to readers common Chinese sentence patterns and expressions concerning emotional life. and it is believed that this book will definitely be helpful for people in love. Bearing in mind the richness and creativeness of human emotions there could be inevitable neglect due to the limited capacity of the writer although an overall vivid and interesting language was expected.