据国家语言文字工作委员会统计,2009年共有604个汉字覆盖了报纸、广播、电视、新闻、网络等媒体所出现的汉字总数的80%,这些汉字是日常生活中最常用的汉字。《604个汉字》收录了这604个汉字,在每个汉字旁边给出了它的繁体字、部首和书写笔顺,这会帮助读者对每个汉字有一个清晰的认识。在每个汉字下面列出了HSK大纲和日常生活中与它密切相关的词语,并分别给出了例句。因而,本书非常便于读者掌握基本汉字和扩大词汇量。 According to the statistics of Chinese National Language Commission. there are altogether most frequently used 604 Chinese characters which total 80 percent of the overall Chinese characters appearing m newspapers broadcasting television news and Internet etc. The book covers the 604 Chinese characters. with corresponding traditional Chinese characters radicals and orders of strokes marked besides each character and this helps readers to grasp a clear understanding of Chinese characters. Relevant phrases in the HSK Guideline or popular daily expressions are listed below each character and illustrative sentences are also provided. Therefore. this book is of great convenience for readers to study basic Chinese characters and to enlarge the vocabulary.