学汉语的一个重要目的就是要和中国人打交道。如果你已学了三个月的汉语,知道“吃”、“过”、“了”、“吗”这些单个字的意思,当有人问你“吃过了吗?”,你能明白这是什么意思吗?如果你去拜访一位朋友,并带了一个十分漂亮的钟作为礼物,你能预计将会出现什么结果吗?本书共列举了八种典型的社交场景,试图以此作为切入口,来探究如何与中国人打交道的诀窍。 Each chapter in this book is made up of three sections. The first section contains scenarios one may encounter due to cultural differences e.g. a state of confusion misunderstanding or conflict. The second section is cultural tips.The third section provides some useful expressions. This book is characteristic of its witty and interesting scenarios simplified knowledge of some complicated cultural background rich and colorful expressions. It's like a handy textbook combined with novelty and humor.