
This Is Great Britain:英国

作者:[加]杰姬·盖伊     整理日期:2017-06-17 10:19:06

  This series of books allows readers to strengthen their vocabularywhile learning important information about the history and culture of differentEnglish speaking countries.In This Is Great Britain, you will learn all aboutthe people and history of the United Kingdom.This book will help you get toknow the real Britain and it contains many travel tips for visitors.Followingthe flights of birds across Great Britain, the book keeps the readerentertained while sharing information about the literature, geography andhistory of the country.

上一本:澳大利亚史 下一本:开放发展


This Is Great Britain:英国的作者是[加]杰姬·盖伊,全书语言优美,行文流畅,内容丰富生动引人入胜。为表示对作者的支持,建议在阅读电子书的同时,购买纸质书。
