2007年12月,宁夏回族自治区文物局在石嘴山市召开全区岩画保护工作座谈会。与会的代表们就宁夏岩画保护的状况、存在的问题提出了各自的意见和建议。这是宁夏首次召开的有关岩画保护的专题会议。 作者:宁夏岩画研究中心。编委会发现 Discovery Rock Art Research台州路桥共和岩画的发现Discovery of rock art at Gonghe site in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province新疆巴里坤岩画探秘Exploring rock art at Balikun site, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region阴山新发现杂技表演艺术岩画研究解读Analyzing newly discovered rock art in Yinshan region of Inner Mongolia青海民和寺沟峡发现古代岩画Discovery of rock art at Sigou site in Minhe-Qinghai Province探索 Exploration Rock Art Research诠释岩画档案建设体系——最有效的保护手段之一Research on file construction system of the rock art中原地区的凹穴岩画与巨石遗迹The cupules and the megaliths of the central plains region岩画的叙事结构试析——从经济活动的视角出发兼及阿纳蒂的岩画思想A study on narrative structural formula of rock art史前狩猎社会原始体育形态与意蕴考析——以贺兰山岩画为例Types and implications of original physical forms in prehistoric hunting societies花山岩画的文化地位刍议Discussion on the culture status of Huashan rock art贺兰山岩画与阴山岩画的艺术特色和文化内涵比较A comparative research to the artistic characteristic and connotation of rock art between Helan Mountain and Yinshan Mountain贺兰山岩画与将军崖岩画之比较A comparative research of rock art between Helan Mountain and Jiangjunya Jiangsu Province贺兰山人面像岩画赏析Human face pattern in Helan Mountain世界遗产理念的递嬗与我国岩画“申遗”的发展Changes for conception of world cultural heritage and the development of the application for rock art as cultural heritage in China宁夏灵武东山岩画简述Brief introduction of rock art at Dongshan site in Lingwu Ningxia旷古神韵——贺兰山大西峰沟、小西峰沟岩画Matchless essence保护 Conservation Rock Art Research宁夏贺兰山岩画病害的调查An investigation of rock art爷s disease in Helan Mountain对宁夏岩画保护发展的理性思考The reasonable thought towards conservation for the development of Ningxia rock art浅议GPS在岩画调查中的应用GPS utilization in the field investigation视野 Overseas Rock Art Research中美岩画研究与实践应用的对比A comparative research to the study and utilization of rock art between U.S.A and China美国亚利桑那州立大学鹿谷岩画中心岩画、艺术与道德:个人的回应钩沉 History Rock Art Research在澳洲金伯利高原的一页日记人物 Personage Rock Art Research破旧启新——记南京师范大学汤惠生教授后记作者宁夏岩画研究中心 类别 图书 / 非虚构 提供方四川文轩在线电子商务有限公司 |