有句话怎么说来着?天不怕地不怕,就怕流氓有文化…… 川普能当上美国总统,不说他的家财万贯,不说他为了深入基层四处奔波,也不说他不按常理出牌“能言善辩”,就看一眼来自川普的书单推荐——不说学富五车,也至少涉猎颇丰。 Few things are more satisfying than curling up with a good book. 很少有比蜷起来捧本书看更令人满足的事儿了。 It seems President of the United States Donald Trump is no stranger to this joy. 新任美国总统唐纳德·特朗普似乎对读书也颇有兴趣。 “I’m reading that Ed Klein book on Hillary Clinton," Trump said, presumably referring to Klein's latest book. "我最近在读埃德·克莱因写的关于希拉里·克林顿的书,”特朗普如是说,说的大概是克莱因的新书。 Trump has publicly recommended many books over the years, from books on China to books on how to succeed in business. 特朗普近些年已经公开推荐过很多书,涉及从中国到如何在商业上取得成功等多个方面。 Here are several books from these lists that Donald Trump recommends. 下面介绍的是唐纳德·特朗普推荐的一些书。 《孙子兵法》 孙武 本书地位:世界上最早的军事著作,被誉为“兵学圣典”。 双语名句: 兵不厌诈。 All warfare is based on deception。 知彼知己,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼不知己,每战必败。
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy,for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. 《积极思考出奇效 》 诺曼·文森特·皮尔 本书简介:The Power of Positive Thinking has helped millions of men and women to achieve fulfillment in their lives. In this phenomenal bestseller, Dr. Peale demonstrates the power of faith in action. With the practical techniques outlined in this book, you can energize your life -- and give yourself the initiative needed to carry out your ambitions and hopes. 《积极思考出奇效 》引领无数读者走向更好的生活,作者皮尔在这部极其畅销的作品中揭示了信念在行动中的力量。书中很多实用的技巧可以让你的生活充满活力,还能助你积极主动地去实现理想。 《散文与讲座》 爱默生 作者简介:American essayist, philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson was a leading figure in the 19th century Transcendentalism movement. A champion of individualism and persistent critic of social pressures, Emerson was an influential American figure whose philosophy is embodied in the numerous essays he wrote and lectures he gave. 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生,美国作家、哲学家、诗人。美国十九世纪超验主义运动领导人。个人主义的拥护者,社会压力的批判人。爱默生的哲学思想在他的文章和讲座当中均有体现。 本书简介:This volume brings together an extensive selection of those essays and lectures. "Essays and Lectures" is a robust representation of Emerson's writings in which you will find the following individual works: "Nature: Addresses and Lectures"; "Essays: First and Second Series"; "Representative Men"; "English Traits"; and "The Conduct of Life". 全书囊括大量爱默生的文章和演讲素材,是爱默生作品的有力代表。书中包含:《论自然:演讲与讲座》、《随笔:一、二部》、《代表人物》、《英国特性》和《生活之道》等作品。 《君主论》
马基雅维里 本书地位:欧洲历代君主的案头之书,政治家的最高指南,被西方评论界列为和《圣经》、《资本论》等相提并论的影响人类历史的十部著作之一。 双语名句: Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception. 靠欺骗可以取胜时,绝不要靠武力。 War ought to be the only study of a prince. He ought to consider peace only as a breathing-time, which gives him leisure to contrive, and furnishes ability to execute military plans. 战争应该成为君主研究的唯一课题。和平只不过是中场休息,好让他有时间去谋划和布置下一场战争。 《想法和意见》
爱因斯坦 本书简介:IDEAS AND OPINIONS contains essays by eminent scientist Albert Einstein on subjects ranging from atomic energy, relativity, and religion to human rights, government, and economics.Previously published articles, speeches, and letters are gathered here to create a fascinating collection of meditations by one of the world''s greatest minds. 本书收录了著名科学家爱因斯坦所发表的不同领域的文章。涉及从原子能、相对论、宗教信仰到人权、政府、经济等各各类话题。之前发表的文章、演讲、书信合成此文集,向大家展示世界上最伟大的巨匠之一的沉思。
《论中国》 亨利·基辛格 外媒书评: “Fascinating, shrewd… [The book’s] portrait of China is informed by Mr. Kissinger’s intimate firsthand knowledge of several generations of Chinese leaders. The book deftly traces the rhythms and patterns in Chinese history…”—The New York Times “极吸引人,言辞犀利……书中通过基辛格与中国几代领导人亲密直接的接触的第一手资料,描绘出了一幅中国的肖像。全书追溯了中国历史的各阶段……”——《纽约时报》 “Nobody living can claim greater credit than Mr. Kissinger for America's 1971 opening to Beijing, after more than two decades of estrangement, and for China's subsequent opening to the world. So it's fitting that Mr. Kissinger has now written On China, a fluent, fascinating…book that is part history, part memoir and above all an examination of the premises, methods and aims of Chinese foreign policy.”—The Wall Street Journal 中美两国20多年的对抗自美国1971年向中国敞开大门之时结束,之后中国又逐步对世界开放,对于此事,当今在世之人没有谁的功劳可出基辛格功之右。基辛格著此书再合适不过了,《论中国》内容流畅而迷人,书中既有历史又有回忆录,最重要的是对中国外交政策的前提、方法和目标做出了透彻审视。——《华尔街日报》 《弄潮儿》
查建英 本书简介:《弄潮儿》全书上篇是“知识人”,写张维迎、刘东等人的《北大!北大!》,写王蒙的《国家的公仆》,写査建国的《国家的敌人》;下篇是“企业家”,包括写潘石屹、张欣的《龟的故事》,写张大中的《一位好大亨》,写孙立哲的《赤脚资本家》。査建英试图用这些人物的故事和命运来反映中国政治、商业、文化的生态及其变迁。 In Tide Players, Jianying Zha depicts a new generation of movers and shakers who are transforming modern China. Through half a dozen sharply etched and nuanced profiles, Tide Players captures both the concrete detail and the epic dimension of life in the world’s fastest-growing economy. 《弄潮儿》描画了新一代呼风唤雨、改造当代中国的人物。6个性格分明、细致入微的人物肖像引领读者从具体细节和史诗维度两方面解读这个世界上发展速度最快的经济体。 《十亿消费者》 詹姆士·麦格雷戈 本书简介:中国经济飞速发展国力愈来愈强大,面对10亿消费者这个巨大的市场,世界各地的竞争者不断涌入,中国市场俨然已经成为竞争最激烈的全球市场。尽管是自己的主战场,但如何才能做到“知己知彼”,也是中国本土企业不得不深思的问题。
双语名句: Freedom means knowing how big your cage is. 自由就是知道你的笼子有多大。 Chinese entrepreneurs tend to diversify into anything and everything rather than paying attention to the core business. The consequences are often fatal. 中国人创业喜欢搞多样化,不愿意潜心研究商业核心,而其结果往往是致命的。 小编觉得都挺有意思的,寒假也快到了,快来丰富你的书柜吧!