H.G.Widdowson著的《实用文体学》是一部讨论诗歌在文体学中的地位、诗歌的意义和价值、以及如何进行诗歌教学的学术专著。作者H·G·威多森为伦敦大学教育学院对外英语教授,著名应用语言学家,从事应用语言学研究近40年,成果丰硕,对该学科的发展有深远的影响。 在书中,作者阐述了他对于诗歌作为语言创作形式的本质的理解,指出了这种理解对于教育所具有的意义,并具体说明了在实践中应采用何种教学方法才能真正达到诗歌教学的目的。 《实用文体学》由H.G.Widdowson著。 This book takes a particular perspective on the nature of poetry and follows this through to proposals for teaching.It focuses attention on how the use of language in short poems can set up conditions for individual interpretation and the representation of reality in ways other than those which are established by normal social convention.Ihis view ofpoetry leads to a recognition Ofits essential role in education,and provides a set of prmciples for an approach to teaching it which integrates the study of language and literature.