Data on the world's oil and gas resources do exist in the hands of oil and gas companies and academic institutions. But this is the first time that all the world's major basins--more than 500--are presented to the general public in a succinct reader-friendly format. Oil and gas have played a critical role in fuelling human progress and will continue to do so in the 21st Century. Through the colourful maps and detailed explanatory notes Professor Li conveys a very important message: the world remains endowed with abundant oil and gas resources. His work shows in detail where these resources are located in various geological structures across five continents and 190 countries. 《世界含油气盆地图集(英文版)(精)》是对全球五大洲和190个国家石油工业的历史、现状和未来发展的简要介绍,同时对507个盆地和625个油田的地质情况作了描述,可称为一本世界石油工业的小百科全书,对生产、科研、教学、外交、对外勘探开发合作等方面均是一本有益的参考书。 《世界含油气盆地图集(英文版)(精)》由李国玉编著。