

作者:曲星 主编     整理日期:2018-11-19 02:52:49

  in 2011, the growth of world economy was slowing down, andeconomies of the major countries were contracting, somecouritriesfell into sovereign debt crises, the in temationalfinancial market wasvolatile, trade protectionism became rampant,emerging countrieswere faced with mounting inflation pressure, andon the whole, the world economy was at the crossroad. lagarde,executive managing director of the international monetary fund,warned at the forum on international finance held in beijing onnovember 9, 2011, that the global economy would face the risk of"lost decade", unless countriesaround the world would adopt andimplement the concerted policiesagainst the evolving risks.

上一本:资本主义的迷思 下一本:相互依赖时代与中国国家案例战略选择


国际战略环境的新变化与中国战略机遇期的新阶段的作者是曲星 主编,全书语言优美,行文流畅,内容丰富生动引人入胜。为表示对作者的支持,建议在阅读电子书的同时,购买纸质书。
