中国在经历了2000多年的封建社会和100多年的半殖民地半封建社会之后,在中国共产党的领导下逐步探索并确立了中国特色社会主义民主政治发展道路。本书不仅介绍中国的基本政治制度与政治运行机制,而且介绍当代中国政治的具体实践,包括行政管理体制改革、法治中国建设、公民政治参与、反对腐败与建设廉洁政治等,体现了当代中国政治文明发展的成果。after 2000-year-plus feudal society and 100-year-plus semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, socialist democratic politics has been gradually established under the leadership of the cpc. the book introduces not only china’s basic political system and operation mechanism but also the practice of contemporary china’s politics, including administrative system reform, construction of legal china, political participation of citizens, anti-corruption and clean government efforts, reflecting the achievements of contemporary china’s political civilization.