目录: 一批流散海外的吐蕃文物的初步考察 解读《巴协》中“藏式佛像”之说 Cave Temples in Dunhuang & the Period of Tibetan Rule(781-847): the Vimaiakirti Debae,the Mahaparinirvana of the Buddha 敦煌石窟历史的重构——敦煌吐蕃期洞窟诸现象之省思 被遗忘的曼陀罗:唐代初传的金刚界曼陀罗 敦煌藏经洞出土五代绢画降魔图像解读 西夏石窟壁画中水月观音的传承与流变 伏虎罗汉、行脚僧、宝胜如来与达摩多罗——十一世纪至十三世纪中国多民族美术关系史个案分析 Styles in Western Himalayan Art 拉萨药王山南崖牛头造像考 Hevajra and Mahakala:A Pair of Tantric Gilt Bronze BuddhistImages from Gansu Province Dating the kesi-Thangka of Acala in the Tibet Museum,Lhasa Is There Any“Anige Style”in Nepalo-Tibetan and Tibeto-Chinese Metal Sculpture of the Sa skya Yuan Period? Chinese Influence in Some Wall Paintings at Zhwa lu and Their Political Meaning within Their Cultural Context 兴化寺壁画与晋南元代寺观壁画群的几个问题 一幅巨作,几点猜测——关于元代刻丝大威德金刚曼荼罗 从胜利幢到雨伞——谈元代居庸关过街塔基门券两壁之四天王造形 Sino-Tibetan Influence on Goryeo Buddhist Art in Korea A Yung lo Embroidery Thangka:Iconographic and Historic Analysis A Tibetan Thangka Painted in Beijing Sino-Tibetan Tangkas of the Chenghua and Zhengde Periods in Western Collections A Version ofthe Ngor Mandala Collection 略论明清唐卡绘画中的玻璃器皿 试考雪堆白及其造像艺术 四川白垭寺藏传佛教壁画调查报告——壁画的内容与时代 藏文题记观世音铜像考——兼论却英多吉题记造像的制作年代 Sitatapatra(Baisangai fomu;gDugs dkar po):Interactions between Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism 清宫大白伞盖佛母信仰探析 The Qianlong Emperor’s Crypt:Tibetan-Buddhist and Sino-Manchu Representations in the Mingtang Section Qing Buddhist Architecture between Beijing,Inner Mongolia and Amdo: The Huilang Shi Dugang The Iconography of the Sixteen Karmapas of Tibet,Karmapa-Representations in Tibet and the West——13th-21st Century 夏吾才让、张大千和汉藏文化交流,1941-1943:界定中古和现代安多地区画坊生产的研究方法 佛装与僧装的概念以及穿着形式 “定光佛授记”与定光佛 西藏曼荼罗缘起 大黑天图像样式考 佛教美术上的仁兽 Research on Technological Style in Studies of Tibetan and Sino-Tibetan Art Regional Styles in Tibetan Furniture 纳西族东巴教“神路图”与藏传佛教“生死之轮”比较研究