《上海屋里厢》以本市20世纪建造的民居为对象,记录了本地房子、石库门里弄住宅、新式里弄住宅、花园洋房和公寓大楼中百余户居民的生活空间,给城市文化研究带来了一个新的观察视角,及一份难得的图像史料。 Inside Shanghai presents the latest works of Xi Wenlei, the freelance photographer. He aims at the local residence built in the 20th century, including scenarios in villas, Shikumen houses, lane houses, and apartment homes. The collection of photographs offers a very valuable new perspective for the investigation of urban culture, while they will most probably survive us as historical records.
作者简介: 席闻雷(席子) 1969年出生于上海。华东理工大学工业设计专业毕业,曾供职于广告公司。2007年开始拍摄记录上海城市变迁、近代历史建筑、石库门等民居建筑及人文题材。作品刊于《上海:1842–2010一座伟大城市的肖像》、《中国画报》(海外版)、《中国摄影》、《上海摄影》等。著有《上海里弄文化地图:石库门》(合著)。 Xi Wenlei (Xi Zi) Born in 1969 in Shanghai, graduated from East China University of Technology majoring in industrial design, and used to work for McCann-Erickson and other advertisers. Xi started to shoot documentaries of Shanghai’s urban changes, its heritage buildings and Shikumen residential buildings and the underlying cultural continuity. His works are published in books, newspapers and periodicals such as Shanghai: A History in Photographs, 1842 - Today, China Pictorial (Overseas Edition), Chinese Photography and Shanghai photography. His publications include Shanghai Shikumen (co-authored).