

作者:许渊冲     整理日期:2017-03-02 09:50:31


  On Tang Poetry and English Poetry
  A Survey of Tang Poetry and 300 Tang Poems
  Luo Binwang (640? - 684?)
  On Hearing Cicadas in Prison
  Du Shenyan (645? - 708)
  In Reply to Magistrate Lu's Poem: An Excursion in
  Early Spring
  WangBo (650 -676)
  Farewell to Vice-Prefect Du
  Song Zhiwen (656? - 712)
  Written at the North Post House on the Dayu Ridge
  ShenQuanqi(656?- 714)
  He Zhizhang (659 - 744)
  Coming Home
  Chen Zi'ang (661 -700)
  On C.limbing Youzhou Tower
  Zhang JiuUng (678 - 740)
  Viewing the Moon and Missing the Dear One Afar
  Emperor Xuanzong (Li Longji, 685 - 762)
  Sacrificing to Confucius and Mourning Him When
  Passing Through Lu
  Wang Han (687 - 735?)
  Starting for the Front
  Wang Zhihuan (688 - 742)
  On the Stork Tower
  Out of the Great Wall
  Meng Haoran (689 - 740)
  Returning to the South Mountain at the Year's End
  Parting Words to Wang Wei
  To My Old Friend in Yangzhou from a Boat Moored
  at Night on Tonglu River
  Mooring on the River at Jiande
  Waiting in Vain for Ding, the Eldest Among His
  Brothers, When Lodging in Buddhist Priest
  Ye's Mountain Hut
  To Zhang, the Fifth Among His Brothers, When
  Mounting Orchid Mountain on an Autumn Day
  Thinking of Xin, the Eldest Among His Brothers, in
  South Pavilion on a Summer Day
  Song of Returning to Deer-Gate Mountain at Night
  Mounting Xian Mountain with Friends
  To Prime Minister Zhang from the Bank of
  Dongting Lake
  Visiting an Old Priend's Cottage
  Thoughts on a Day When Cold Winds Come Early
  A Spring Morning
  To Buddhist Priest Yuan from Changan
  Dining in Taoist Priest Mei's Mountain Hut
  Li Qt (690? - 754)
  A Warrior and a Singer
  A Send-offto Chen Changfu
  Deeply Moved by Music
  On Hearing Dong Tinglan Play the Song ofthe Tartar
  Pipe, Written also for Minister Fang
  On Hearing An Wanshan Play the Tartar Reed-Pipe
  An Old War Song
  Seeing Wei Wan Off to the Capital
  Qfwu Qian (692 - 749)
  Boating on the Ruoye Stream in Spring
  Wang Changling (698 - 757)
  Enjoying the Moonlight with My Cousin in the South
  Study and Thinking of My Friend Prefect Cui in
  A Song of the Frontier
  A Frontier Song
  Spring Court Plaint
  Sorrow of a Young Bride in Her Boudoir
  Seeing Xin Jian Off at Hibiscus Pavilion
  On the Frontier
  A Court Lady Who Lost the Emperor's Favor
  Zu Yong(699-746?)
  A Distant View ofJi Gate
  Looking at the Zhongnan Mountain After Snowfall
  Wang Wei (701 - 761)
  Green Stream
  At My Villa in Zhongnan
  The Village on River Wei
  A Farewell
  Seeing Qiwu Qian Off to His Native Country After
  His Failure in the Examination
  The Old General
  The Legend of the Peach Blossom Valley
  The Maid of Luoyang
  Retirement at Wangchuan -To Pei Di
  My Mountain Villa in an Autumn Evening
  On Coming Back to Mount Song
  Mount Zhongnan
  Paying Visit to Incense Storing Temple
  Farewell to Prefect Li of Zizhou
  Gazing Afar by the Han River
  Written at the Rural Retreat at Wangchuan During a
  Prolonged Rain
  A Rencontre
  Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-Climbing Day
  Love Seeds
  In Response to Subprefect Zhang
  Answering the Imperial Call to Write in Reply to His
  Majesty's Poem: Viewing the Scene in Spring Rain
  on an Excursion
  Replying to Secretary Jia Zhi's Poem An Early
  Levee at Daming Palace
  To the Court-Affair Administrator Guo
  Hut Among the Bamboos
  The Deer Enclosure
  A Farewell Song
  An Autumn Night
  QiuWei(701 -796?)
  Failing to Find the Hermit of West Hill at Home
  Cui Shu
  To Prefect Liu - Mounting the Divine Terrace
  on the Double Ninth Festival
  Li Bai (or Li Po, 701 - 762)
  Leaving the White Emperor Town for Jiangling
  Farewell Beyond the Thorn-Gate Gorge
  Seeing Meng Haoran Off at Yellow Crane Tower
  Thoughts on Old Time from a Night Mooring near
  Cattle Hffl
  Ballad of a Merchant's Wife
  To Meng Haoran
  The Moon over the Mountain Pass
  Parting at a Tavern in Jinlirig
  Hard Is the Road to Shu
  The Beautiful Lady Yang
  Descending Zhongnan Mountain and Meeting Husi
  the Hermit
  Drinking Alone under the Moon
  Hard Is the Way of the World
  Invitation to Wine
  Mount Skyland Ascended in a Dream - A Song of
  Farewell to Uncle Yun, the Imperial Librarian,
  at Xie Tiao's Pavilion in Xuanzhou
  On Hearing a Monk from Shu Playing His Lute
  Song of Mount Lu - To Censor Lu Xuzhou
  On Phoenix Terrace at Jinling
  Longing on Marble Steps
  A Tranquil Night
  Farewell to a Friend
  Waiting in Vain
  A Faithful Wife Longing for Her Husband in Spring
  Ballads of Four Seasons
  Liu Shenxu
  Title Missing
  Wwng Wan
  Lying at Anchor Under Baigu Hill
  Gao Shi (701 - 765)
  Seeing Off Prefect Li Degraded to Xiazhong and
  Prefect Wang Degraded to Changsha
  Song of the Northern Frontier
  Cui Hao (704? - 754)
  Passing Huayin
  Yellow Crane Tower
  A Riverside Song
  ZhangXu(C. 711)
  The Peach Blossom Valley
  Du Fu (or Tu Fu, 712- 770)
  Looking at Mountain Tai
  Song of the Conscripts
  A Song of Fair Ladies
  Mourning for a Prince
  Mourning by the Winding River
  The Moonlit Night
  A Spring View
  Lodging at the Yamen to the Left of the Imperial
  Palace on a Spring Night
  In the Second Year of Zhide, 1 Escaped through the
  Golden-Lights Gate to Pengxiang along a Narrow
  Footpath. Now at the Beginning of the First Year
  of Qianyuan, Demoted from the Post of Left-Hand
  Imperial Adviser to an Official of Huazhou County,
  and Bidding Farewell to My Folks, 1 Come Through
  the Same Gate and Feel Sad for the Past Incident
  To Hennit Wei, the Eighth Among His Brothers
  The Surpassing Beauty
  Dreaming of Li Bai, Two Poems
  Thinking of My Brothers on a Moonlit Night
  Thinkingof Li Bai at the End of the Sky
  The Temple of the Prime Minister of Shu
  Receiving a Guest
  A View Outfield
  Four Rhymes to Lord Yan Wu When Once Again
  Seeing Him Off at the Courier Station of Fengji
  Recapture of the Regions North and South of the
  Yellow River
  Upon Leaving the Tomb of Grand Military Governor
  On a Tower
  Ode on a Painting - To General Cao Ba
  Looking at the Painting of Steeds by General Cao in
  Recorder Wei Feng's House
  Lodging at the Yamen
  Nocturnal Reflections While Travelling
  The Eight-Battle-Ponnations
  The Ancient Cypress
  Contemplations on the Historical Sites, Five Poems
  (Two Selections)
  A Night in a Chamber
  To Censor Han Zhu
  Climbing the Height
  Watching a Sword Dance Performed by the Pupil of
  the Elder Sister ofGongsun - With a Preface
  Ascending the Yueyang Tower
  Coming Across Li Guinian on the Southern Shore
  Liu Changqing (714 - 790)
  Composed at the Beginning of the New Year
  Bidding Farewell to Grand Censor Li Returning to
  His Country House in Hanyang
  Ascending the Wugong Terrace in Autumn for a
  Distant View
  To South Stream for Taoist Chang
  At a Farewell Dinner for Wang the Eleventh Setting
  Out on Travels to the South
  Parting with Two Friends Also Sent into Exile
  Passing by the Place Where Jia Yi Lived in Exile
  To a Friend - Gazing out over the Lake toward
  Yueyang at Sunset
  Zither Playing
  Leave-Taking of a Buddhist Monk
  Parting with the Monk Lingche
  CenShen(715 - 770)
  On Meeting a Messenger Going to the Capital
  Climbing the Pagoda at Ci'en Temple with Gao Shi
  and Xue Ju
  Song of Running-Horse River in Farewell to General
  Feng on His Western Expedition
  A Send-off to General Feng from Luntai upon His
  Western Expedition
  Song of White Snow in Farewell to Secretary Wu
  Going Back to the Capital
  To Censor Du Fu in the Left Court
  Replying to Secretary Jia Zhi's Poem An Early
  Levee at Daming Palace
  Huangfu Ran (716- 769)
  Spring Thoughts
  Liu Fangping
  A Moonlit Night
  PeiDi(716 - ?)
  A Parting Wish
  YuanJie(719- 772)
  To Officers After the Retreat of the Raiders
  A Tippler's Song on Rock Fish Lake
  Qian Qi (722 - 780)
  An Invitation to My Friend Councillor Yang from
  My Study at Gu Kou
  Seeing a Japanese Bonze Off to Japan
  To Master Pei a Palace Official
  Mooring at Night by Maple Bridge
  Han Hong
  Responding to Cheng Yan's Poem on Autumn Night
  An Inscription for Xian You Temple
  "Cold Food" Festival
  Sikong Shu
  Seeing a Friend Off to the North After the Quelling
  of the Rebels
  Parting with My Friend Han Shen After a Night's
  Lodging in the Hospice of Yun Yang County
  Pleascd at My Cousin Lu Lun's Passing a Night with
  Jiao Ran
  Not Finding Lu Hongjian at Home
  Li Duan
  The Zitherist
  A Palace Poem
  Liu Zhongyong
  A Soldier's Complaint
  Dai Shulun (732 - 789)
  A Chance Meeting of Old Acquaintances at an Inn
  Entertaining Literary Scholars in My Official
  Residence on a Rainy Day
  On Setting Out on the Yangtze; For Secretary
  For the Mountain Hermit of Quanjiao
  To My Daughter, on Her Marriage into the Yang
  On Meeting Feng Zhu at Changan
  Mooring at Dusk in Xuyi County
  The Eastern Suburbs
  Happy Meeting on the Huai with an Old Friend from
  A Valediction: To Li Cao, in an Evening Drizzle
  To Li Dan
  To Second Board Secretary Qiu in an Autumn
  On the West Stream at Chuzhou
  Lu Lun (748- 800?)
  Seeing Li Duan Off
  A Night-Mooring at Ezhou
  Border Songs
  Li Yi (748 -829)
  Meeting with My Cousin Only to Part
  A Southern Song
  Ascending at Night the Gate-Tower of the Triumphal
  Town and Hearing a Flute
  MengJiao(751 -814)
  A Faithful Widow
  Song of a Roamer
  QuanDeyu(759 -818)
  The Forlorn Wife
  Chang Jian
  Overnight Tarry in Wang Changling's Hermitage
  In the Rear Buddha Hall of the Broken Hill Temple
  A Bride
  To an Old Friend Lost in Tubo
  Han Yu (768 - 824)
  Mountain Rocks
  To Zhang Gongcao on the Moon Festival
  A Poem Inscribed on the Entrance Gate of a Temple
  on Heng Mountain
  An Ode to the Stone Drums
  Liu Yuxi (772 - 842)
  At the Temple of Liu Bei
  Meditating on the Past at West Fort Mountain
  The Street ofMansions
  A Song of Spring
  BaiJuyi (772 - 846)
  The Everlasting Regret
  Song of a Pipa Player
  On a Moonlit Night - To My Brothers and
  Sisters Dispersed After the Unrest in Henan
  and the Famine in Guannei
  A Note to Liu Shijiu
  Palace Plaint
  Liu Zongyuan (773 - 819)
  An Early Morning Visit to the Buddhist Priest Chao to
  Read the Chan Scriptures
  Dwelling by a Stream
  An Old Fisherman
  To Four Friends in Exile
  Fishing in Snow
  Yuan Zhen (779 - 831)
  To My Deceased Wife
  Jia Dao (779 - 843)
  Looking for a Hermit Without Finding Him
  Du Qiuniang
  The Golden Dress
  Zhu Qingyu
  Within the Palace
  To the Lord Examiner on the Eve of Examinations
  Xu Hun
  Early Autumn
  Inscribed on the Post House at Tong Pass on an
  Autumn Trip to the Capital
  Du Mu (803 - 852)
  Poem Written on Pleasure Plateau Before Departing
  for Wuxing
  The Red Cliff
  Mooring on River Qinhuai
  To Han Chuo, Magistrate of Yangzhou
  The Golden Valley Garden in Ruins
  A Night at an Inn
  A Confession
  An Autumn Night
  Zhang Hu (? - 859?)
  The Swan-Song
  A Maid of Honor
  Long-Life Terrace ( two poems )
  Written on the Wall ofJinling Fen-y-House
  Wen Tingyun (812 - 870)
  To an East-Bound Friend
  Ferrying South from Lizhou
  The Temple of Su Wu
  She Wails on a Jade Lute
  Chen Tao(812?- 885?)
  The Riverside Battleground
  Li Shangyin (813 - 858)
  The Han Yu Memorial Stele
  A Message to Official Ling Hu
  Falling Plowers
  The Jade Pool
  A Bright Scholar
  Written on a Raihy Night to My Wife in the North
  To One Unnamed
  Poem Without a Title
  Untitled Poems
  Reflections at a Military Post
  The Sad Zither
  A Marble Screen
  Spring Rain
  Thoughts in the Cold
  Wind and Rain
  The Sui Palace in the South
  The Sui Palace
  To the Moon Goddess
  At the North Green Vine Hermitage
  On the Merry-Making Plain
  Li Pin(818-876)
  Crossing the River Han
  Xue Feng
  Court Ladies
  Ma Dai
  My Stay in the Riverside Hut in Autumn
  Thinking of the Past on the Xiang River
  Zheng Tian (823 - 882)
  Night Thoughts on Terrace Tower
  A Jinling Landscape
  Zhang Qfao
  Written at the Frontier
  Han Wo (844 - 923)
  Jin Changxu
  A Complaint in Spring
  Du Xunhe (846 - 907)
  A Palace Maid's Lament in Spring
  Cui Tu
  Thoughts on a New Year's Eve
  A Lone Wild Goose
  Qin Taoyu
  Soliloquy of a Poor Girl
  Zhang Bi
  To My Love
  General Geshu
  Cold Food Day
  Appendix 1
  The Capsule Biographies of the Poets
  Appendix 11
  The Capsule Biographies of the Translators
  Appendix III
  A Bibliography of the English Translations of
  Tang Poetry

上一本:印刷傳媒與宋詩特色 下一本:中国古代小说叙事三维论


