20年来,1.6万多名中国军人告别亲人,踏上维和的征程。他们用坚毅的目光、铿锵的足迹,在世界维和舞台上定格中国军人珍贵的历史画面。他们的忠诚、睿智、勇敢和奉献,值得向世界讲述。外文出版社编辑出版《蓝盔下的中国面孔》一书,在全军维和官兵中选择31名代表,用真实的笔触记录中国蓝盔群体的特殊故事,让读者走进中国维和军人丰富的内心世界,感受他们恪尽职守、献身使命的坚定意志和决心。 本书为《蓝盔下的中国面孔》英文版。 As you read the stories of some of China's peacekeepers you will be taken to lands where the flames of war are still raginginto sudden chaos and conflict to areas of dangerous landmines and to the disaster relief in Haiti. These peacekeepers have pledged to never abandon their posts in the face of hardship and difficultieswith their resolve never wavering while dedicating their all to peacekeeping.