映秀有两个春天,一个在迎春的枝头,一个在人们的心坎。2011年1月31日,两个春天同时降临,使这块土地成为吉祥福地。 《和春天一起来到映秀》讲述了援建工作者克服重重困难抢时间、赶进度,为5·12汶川特大地震抗震救灾、灾后重建等重大历史事件留下清晰真实的记录。 On May 12, 2008, at 2:28pm, the Wenchuan Earthquake struck the area and caused unprecedented damage to the entire region by turning the town of Yingxiu into rubble. The city of Dongguan was destined to shape the history of Yingxiu. One town in the north-west mountainous areas of Sichuan, and another in the southern vast grasslands of Guangdong were brought together to create a shared destiny for their peoples in a touching story of sincere, brotherly love. 《和春天一起来到映秀》,一部非虚构风格的长篇纪实散文,通过映秀的春天、映秀的身世、映秀的彩虹、映秀的纪念、映秀的传说、映秀的明月等等,讲述了援建工作者克服重重困难抢时间、赶进度,终于取得的骄人成绩,为5.12汶川特大地震抗震救灾、灾后重建等重大历史事件留下清晰真实的记录。