《永别了,武器》(一译《战地春梦》)是海明威的一部半自传体小说,表现了战争的荒谬、虚妄和非理性。美国志愿军战士亨利在意大利前线负伤,住院期间得到英国护士凯瑟琳的细心看护,二人产生感情。一次亨利在撤退途中被意军误认为是德国的奸细而遭逮捕,在等待处决时伺机走脱,历尽千辛万险与凯瑟琳重聚,遂一同逃往瑞士。二人度过一段短暂的幸福生活,后凯瑟琳因骨盆过小,难产而死。 《世界文学经典读本:永别了,武器(英文版)》是海明威艺术上走向成熟的标志,情景交融的环境描写、洗练的对话、真切的内心独白等等艺术手法在《世界文学经典读本:永别了,武器(英文版)》中均运用得老到、纯熟,构成了他此后创作的独特文风。 ERNEST HEMINGWAY(1899-1961),American author。Between the mid-igzos and the mid-ig50s,he produced most oflus work,and in 1954 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature。 Hemingway’s fiction was successful because the characters he presented exhibited authenticity that resonated with his audience。Many of his works are classics of American literature。The most famous of Hemingway’s novels are The Sun Also Rises (1926),A Farewell to Arms(1929),The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber(1935),For -Whom the Bell Tolls(1940),and The Old Man and the Sea(1950)。