本书专门针对来中国旅游购物者编写。该书提供了你需要挑选和购买商品的所有信息,这些商品包括丝绸与服饰、传统物件、茶叶、民族艺术品、刺绣、珍珠、书画、瓷器、玉器、古董,信息包括到哪里去找,如何去商店,应该问什么问题,如何定位商品价格等等。有了本书,包你即使是个中国菜鸟也能买到称心如意的商品。 This handy guide gives you all the information you need to choose and buy souvenirs in China with confidence. One in a series of five titles it explains clearly and simply what to look forwhere and how to shop in China and questions you should ask. Great tips price guides and cautionary advice ensure that you get the best value for your money.